Friday, July 10, 2009

Natural reproduction in humans

Before i start my research, it would be crucial that we know the basics of human life- natural reproduction.
Firstly, it requires the interactions between the male penis and the female vagina. the male testes produces sperm which is needed for the fertilization of the female egg. The female ovaries in turn, produce the eggs(ovum), which travels through the fallopian tubes and into the uterus, to be fertilized by the male sperm.
During sexual intercouse, the male would ejaculate semen which contains an average 50-130million spemrs per ml into the female vagina. The sperms would swim through the vagina and cervix, and into the uterus or fallopian tubes where only one sperm will fertilize the ovum.
After fertilization, gestation, or the development of the baby begins.
However, what we need to know is for the possibility of a birth in an all woman society. Thus, this shall be the marking point of my research.

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